Planning For a Home Project

Hi there, in today’s post I thought I would share about the importance of planning for your home project, whether it’s a full home renovation or a single bedroom redesign. Planning your project is crucial to avoid headaches, wasting both time and money, and feeling unsure about every decision. I’m excited to share my tips on how to have a successful project experience, which gives you the opportunity to enjoy the process and end up with a home you’re proud of. Below is my breakout in three phases.

Phase 1 | Prepare the foundation. This phase is important to start off with, as it sets the stage for all of the other phases. In this phase you want to set all the boundaries like budget, scope of work, timeline, and priorities. Creating a budget for your project is the most important piece, as it helps you weed out anything that isn’t in the budget. Figure out your priorities by creating a “Need” and “Want” list. Prioritize your needs and, if budget allows, incorporate either all or a few of your wants. Once you have your list, use it as your scope of work. This scope of work will be your to-do list or, if hiring contractors, it will be crucial for them to see what you want and be able to estimate your project and ensure alignment on what is needed. Next, create your timeline. Even if you don’t have a timeline that must be met, create a realistic timeline that you feel comfortable with and set some deadlines. This will help you take action, make decisions, and it will overall get you closer to the finish line.

Phase 2 | Know your design style. Now that you have all of the boundaries set and your scope of work clear, you’re free to go crazy (within the boundaries, of course). Look for inspirational imagery wherever that may take you, from social media, magazines, books, or maybe even your surroundings (perhaps a home that you creepishly drive by every weekend). While you collect imagery, try to understand what it is that you are drawn to in each image and make note of all the words that come to mind. Having a clear understanding of what it is that you like and dislike will make things easier to communicate to others, and it will also help you make confident decisions that align with your style. Whether you decide to take on the project alone or hire a designer for your project, this phase will be extremely beneficial. In this phase you should be able to uncover your style and (if you’re not working with a designer) it will help you build your design direction for your home.

Phase 3 | Determine your role. Now that you have all of the important information completed and ready to be easily communicated, deciding on what your role, or level of involvement, will be in the process is key. This will lead you to hiring the right people. Will you want to take on the role of an interior designer, defining the design direction and bringing it to life down to the minute details, including ordering all materials? Are you taking the role of the general contractor and coordinating all subcontractors, handling the permit process, and attending site visits regularly to maintain schedule and confirm quality is met? Do you want to be moderately involved in design selections but have everything else handled for you? Setting your role forces you to think through what you are willing to do and what you’re not willing to do. Once you decide your role, you will know exactly what it is you’re looking for to get the project started - an interior designer, a general contractor, subcontractors, etc.

One very important tip I will leave you with is this: always hire your contractors after you have your scope of work and design plan completed. If you have your scope of work clear, you can get a head start and start meeting with general contractors (GCs), interviewing them, and getting an idea / estimate for your project. Then, once your design is complete, you can always get an updated estimate. Having all the information upfront will help set you and your team up for success.

Thanks for reading along, I hope you found it helpful. If you have any questions or would like to get in touch, please feel free to leave me a message or email me at

Until next time!



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