How to Style Your Coffee Table

Today I will be sharing about the art of coffee table styling. Although there isn’t any real rule to styling a coffee table, these are easy tips you can follow if you have no idea where to start or what to consider. Besides that, styling a coffee table is one of the easiest ways to add style and warmth to your room. You can also use these tips when styling any table top.

To best style your table, you’ll need to consider three aspects: the table’s form, its function, and the style of the room. Read along to learn more about each point and how to make them work together to create the perfect decor setup.


The first thing you need to consider is the shape and size of your table. If you’re looking to purchase one and you’re unsure of how to select the right one, you’ll want to think about the room size and the furniture already in the room (i.e. the sofas, the layout, and walking clearances) to determine your ideal table. Use painter’s tape to mark out on the floor the ideal space a table should occupy. Once you have the measurements for that area, you can look for exact or close enough options. Once you have your table form, you can then work on selecting the right sized pieces. Below are a few guidelines I use when styling different types of tables.

Round Tables

  • Place single medium or large sized vase at the center of the table to pair back to fresh florals or large stem greenery.

  • Use trays (holding items), books (stacked), or bowls to form a square shape. This works beautifully against the round table shape.

  • Use groupings of three elements (known as rule of three). You can use objects in different scale / heights.

Oval Tables

  • Place three pieces down the center of the table, equally sized or the center one being the larger piece.

  • Place a single vase to pair back to fresh florals or large stem greenery.

  • Use a single tray in an oval or rectangle shape, with decorative pieces on top (play with height).

Square Tables

  • Play with stacked books, trays, and bowls, in a squared shape (matching the table shape).

  • Use single or double rectangle shaped trays with decor on top (books, decorative boxes, candles, bowls, etc.).

  • Place a single medium or large sized vase at the center of the table to pair back to fresh florals or large stem greenery.

  • Use groupings of three elements (known as rule of three). You can use objects in different scale / heights.

Rectangular Tables

  • Try using three pieces down the center of the table, equally sized or the center one being the larger piece.

  • Use a single vase to pair back to fresh florals or large stem greenery.

  • Use a single tray in an oval shape, with decorative pieces on top (play with height and shape).

  • Use groupings of three elements (known as rule of three). You can use objects in different scale / heights.


In order to find the right pieces, you first need to know how you want to use your table. Is this table in an office, a home library, a formal living room, a family room? Each space has its own use. For example, in a family room, will you need a decorative box for storage (e.g. remotes)? Will you want to entertain? If so, maybe you may need some interesting books or conversational pieces. Perhaps it’s in a theater room and the table is a large scaled ottoman that doubles as a table, in which case maybe adding a large tray as a firm base to style on top would be best. Think about what works best for your lifestyle and select the pieces that not only speak to you but that also serve a purpose. This will allow you to avoid over styling any area of your home.


Now that you have considered your table shape and the use of the table, you need to consider the style of the room. Is the space a clean and minimal design, eclectic and collected, traditional, granny chic? There are so many styles and, in order to maintain fluidity throughout your home, you will want to keep your home’s style going throughout. This means selecting pieces that work with the style you're going for. You might want to play with metals, textures, fabrics, materials like ceramic, wood, marble, and of course some greenery. Think of items that affect your senses and that create an experience such as candles, greenery, and books.

To wrap it all up and while it really all depends on your style and what you find aesthetically pleasing, thinking of form, function and style will allow you to move in the right direction when decorating a table. There aren’t any rules to styling a table. Your eyes will tell you if something is off, and you can always make tweaks and adjust, so don’t overthink it and have fun.

Thank you for reading along, I hope you found this helpful to easily implement when styling your home.

Until next time!



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